Afterschool Childcare Practitioner | Part-time | Rathfarnham

Little Harvard is an Irish family owned business which has been caring for and educating children since 1995. At Little Harvard our employees are highly valued and play a vital part in ensuring that we provide outstanding childcare in a safe and stimulating learning environment.We are now looking for a lively, interested and enthusiastic Afterschool person for one of our Creches located in Rathfarnham, South Dublin. Join our team!MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREDTo be considered for an Early Years Educator role, you MUST hold a minimum Level 5 in Childcare, or equivalent DCYA approved Certification.BENEFITS:Extremely competitive salary.Company Employee Assistance Program.Discounted private health insurance.Bonus loyalty days.Career advancement opportunities.On-site training and continuous professional development.Introduction bonus for any employee who introduces another employee.Employee incentive schemes.WHAT YOU NEEDA genuine interest in school age childrenAbility to actively and positively engage with children whilst doing homework and other activitiesExcellent Communication.Creative and passionate approachExcellent EnglishMay sometimes be required to collect children from schoolWORKING HOURS: 30 hours per week during term time and full time during school breaks. From 12.00 until 6.00pm, then full time during school breaks and summer time. The creche is open from 7:30am to 18:30pm.Get a better look at us:

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