Advanced Practice Candidate for Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist

Advanced practice candidate for Clinical specialist Radiation TherapistWe are currently recruiting a Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist with a minimum of 5 years clinical experience to work as an integral part of the radiotherapy department at the Bon Secours Radiotherapy Department in partnership with UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre in Cork. The CSRT will be fully funded and supported to complete an MSc in Radiotherapy Advanced Practice with a view to develop a new APRT role within the department. The scope of this role will be agreed with the successful applicant and the clinical management team We are offering an attractive relocation package, flexibility, and excellent opportunity to use advanced technologies, research, and education support to successful candidates. Full time and part time contracts availableOverview of department & roleWe are looking for a dynamic, passionate Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist to join our multidisciplinary team. We take pride in providing exceptional patient care and state of the art radiotherapy. We offer opportunities and support for presenting, conference attendance and collaboration with our academic partner UCC to provide teaching and mentorship.We have 2 Varian linear accelerators: a TrueBean and an Edge. We offer IMRT, V-MAT and advanced techniques including SRS and SABR.We have a GE CT-simulation scanner and provide Radiation Therapist-led IV contrast delivery. About UPMCAt UPMC we provide a total rewards program that is not only market competitive, but fair and provides growth opportunities for all our colleagues.Compensation – Competitive rates of payBenefits – Fully paid maternity and paternity leave for new parents. Competitive Pension Plan, company funded Death in Service Benefit, Critical Illness cover for all employees up to the age of 66.Performance and Recognition – Rewards for performance that supports the goals and mission of UPMC.Work-Life Balance – Annual leave of 30 days. Development and Career Opportunities – Opportunities for each employee to reach their career goals through continued learning and/or advancement.·        UPMC is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. Qualifications & Experience;Completion of a qualification in Radiation Therapy recognised by the Radiographers Registration Board at CORUCurrent CORU registrationCandidate needs a minimum of five years appropriate post qualification experienceExcellent interpersonal & communication skillsOur regionCork is the largest county in Ireland and is part of the Wild Atlantic Way. It has well developed transport links and whether you prefer the vibrant bright lights of the city, or the quiet tranquillity of the countryside, you will find it all in Cork! Check out Pure Cork - Official Tourism Website for Cork, IrelandFor a full job description please contact HR on careers@upmc.ieFor informal enquiries please contact Erica Bennett Radiotherapy operations Manager

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