Administrator -Same Day Surgery Department

A role has become available in the Same Day Surgery Department of the Galway Clinic, this is a Temporary, 9 Month, part time role 22.5 hrs. pw.The Role: Pre-registration of patients prior to admissionPreparation of charts.Liaise with Unit Sister re allocation of beds as requiredOrganise patient bookings with consultants and/or their secretaries Deal with ad-hoc patient requests.Reception of patients. Transcribe/File/Organise patient files for clinics. Assist with referrals and insurance verifications.Co-ordinate Billing, Processing Monitoring of patient charges and Issue of receipts. Interface with referring physicians /other referring agents.General clerical/administrative roles.Monitor and maintain department stock/consumables and supplies. Assist in other Administrative departments’ duties as required.Daily transactions of handling money. Registration of Bloods/Urinary products. Any other duties as assignedThe Candidate: 2 years experience in a previous administration role, ideally in a healthcare settingExcellent computer skills Excellent organisational and interpersonal skillsDemonstrate the initiative, drive and enthusiasm to carry out the role successfullyAbility to work professionally at all times when dealing with patients, staff and the publicBe able to multi-task and prioritise effectively. Flexibility essential.Self motivated, highly organised, able to communicate effectively with a wide range of people.   Closing date for receipt of applications: Monday 5th August 2024 at 4.30pm Blackrock Health at the Galway Clinic is an equal opportunities employer.

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