Emergency Department Administrator

Reports:                     Supervisor Accountable               Chief Operations OfficerHours                          37 hours per week – shift, to include weekends and bank holidays  ROLE PURPOSE·        To provide a clerical and administrative support service to Blackrock Clinic  ·        Front of house, dealing with all manner of patient queries ·        You are personally accountable for your own actions at all times ·        Ensure that all patients/staff and any other individuals contacting and attending the Blackrock Clinic are dealt with in an efficient, effective and timely manner at all times  QUALIFICATIONS ·        Leaving certificate or equivalent·        Certificate/ Diploma in Medical Administration (desirable) KEY RESPONSIBILITIES1.    Key Areas of Responsibility 1.1     Providing an administrative service based primarily in the Emergency Department 1.2     Greet and communicate appropriately with visitors, patients, consultants and all staff 1.3     Processing paperwork and explaining the admission process to patients on arrival 1.4     Securing payment from all underinsured/self insured patients 1.5     Liaison with outpatient departments and consultants to arrange medical appointments as needed 1.6     In conjunction with inpatient bookings, organising admission to a hospital bed if required 1.7     Escorting patients to other areas of the hospital if required 1.8     Liaison with insurance companies to confirm cover, completing insurance claim forms 1.9     Posting charges to patients’ accounts for discharge 1.10   Assisting patients and visitors, liaison with hospital and clinic staff 1.11   Other administrative duties as required by the ED consultant or nursing unit manager 1.12   Balancing cash sheets, checking float. Ensuring safe lodgement of all payments into the safe and transfer of information to finance 1.13   Other administrative duties such as scanning of patient records, dealing with telephone queries and organising stationery for the department 1.14   Proficiency in IT skills, insurance cover, cash handling and demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills 1.21   Carry out other such duties as requested by the Finance Manager, Head Receptionist or his/her deputy 2.    Communication Skills 2.1      Communicate appropriately with colleagues and other members of the health care teams to ensure a quality service is provided to all while constantly striving for excellence in patient/customer care 2.2      Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undue anxiety 2.3      Recognise limitations and seek assistance where necessary 2.4      Attend and contribute to appropriate meetings 2.5      Accept constructive advice when appropriate 2.6      Report all incidents immediately, which may adversely affect a patient, colleague or the Blackrock Clinic  3.    General Expectations 3.1      Support the philosophy, objectives and goals of Blackrock Clinic 3.2      Observe the appropriate lines of authority 3.3      Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all patients and the activities of Blackrock Clinic 3.4      Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in all areas of the hospital/clinic as required 3.5      The Finance Manager or Head Receptionist, depending on the availability of locum cover will arrange annual leave; the exception is Christmas and New Year, when holidays are not authorised 3.6      Participate in developing and providing quality care within Blackrock Clinic 3.7      Assist in orientation of new personnel 3.8      Continue to develop personal knowledge and skills and seeks outside educational opportunities 3.9      Present a professional appearance and conform to the dress, hygiene and infection control policies of the Clinic 3.10   Is always punctual on duty 3.11   Flexible attitude to changing work practices   This job description indicates the main responsibilities of the post and is subject to periodic revision and amendment with the post holder.  Working at Blackrock Clinic we offer many benefits, including:- Pension – Defined Contribution pension scheme- Car Parking – on site available to all staff at very reasonable rates- Educational assistance - supporting employees in development- Flexibility – we are flexible and like to promote a good work life balance- Uniforms – provision of uniforms to all patient facing staff- A discounted pharmacy, medical tests, travel tickets and restaurant- Bike to work scheme

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