
Join Our Team as an Administrator and Make a Difference!  About Us: At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental and energy infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimizing operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients. What makes us a great employer?  Purpose-Driven Impact: As our Administrator you will work within the central Environmental Services Operations Planning team, with close working relationships with the Client Services and Commercial Contracts teams to carry out administrative tasks the overarching Planned Works teams. This is a full time 12 month fixed term post ( maternity cover) Growth and Development: Join an ambitious team that values your growth. We offer extensive training, career advancement opportunities, and a chance to expand your skill set. Wellness and Support: We care about your well-being. Enjoy peace of mind with life assurance, employee assistance programme including unlimited access to our mental health support, remote GP appointments and physiotherapy. Medicash our health care cash plan is also offered for you and up to four dependants.Dynamic Culture: Our workplace is more than just a job – it's a community. Experience a fun, can-do culture where your contributions matter. Benefits Package- Competitive salary, enhanced maternity & paternity leave and pay, private pension, internal referral scheme & learning and development funded courses.  Your Responsibilities: Updating of client asset information and creation of assets within the asset register.Uploading of job packs and consignment notes to both the Adler and Allan Focalpoint system and also client portals.Assisting with KPI and MI generation for internal and external reporting.Data inputting.Understanding Engineer’s job reports.Assisting with invoice creation and processing from Engineer’s job reports.Work with the planning team to provide weekly reports for PPM services falling due.Create bookings for PPM requirements in FocalPoint IT system.Provide copies of reports for completed works to customers.Provide commercial support where planning is relevant to a proposal.Updating group CRM database with relevant information to facilitate accurate monthly reporting.Any other duties for which you are qualified and capable of undertaking. Qualifications and Skills: Excellent IT skills using all Microsoft applications including Excel, Outlook and Word.Familiarity with Content Management Systems.Ability to navigate databases including bespoke software.Professional written and verbal communication skills.Ability to clearly communicate information in a written format.Ability to use initiative.Clean UK driving licence. Why Choose Adler and Allan: By becoming a part of the Adler and Allan Group, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey where we truly value your ideas and contributions. Whether you're just starting your career or in search of a new challenge, we offer a platform for personal growth and professional advancement, enabling you to shape a successful and fulfilling career path. Our group includes Jet Aire, Detectronic, Aqua Consultants, Oneline, Flotech, KwikFlow, AMGS, ,OHES, Public Sewer Services, QEM Solutions & Utility Line.

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