Administration Assistant - Neurophysiology

About the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Medical Clinic is a private hospital providing a full range of medical and surgical care across a broad spectrum of specialities. The Admissions Department is responsible for the provision of services to the clinical and nursing areas to ensure that patient information is processed efficiently and effectively. The RoleThe Neurophysiology Administrative Assist will provide administrative and clerical support to the department in order to ensure the effective delivery of services to patients attending the Hermitage Medical Clinic. The role is responsible for the provision of quality neurophysiology service in line with the highest professional practice. As a key member of the frontline team, the role holder will facilitate effective communication with colleagues in the hospital. The position requires a participatory approach to the development of services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the management of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives.Duties:Interviews patient or representative to obtain and record name, address, age, religion, persons to notify in case of emergency, attending Physician, and individual or insurance company responsible for payment of bill.Responsible for gathering and dealing with all incoming correspondence.Ensuring all referral letters for the department are triaged and scheduled immediately and the patient is contacted. Explains regulations such as, payment of accounts, and schedule of charges, wait times for appointments and turnaround time for results to be sent out.Transcribing all reports dictated by the department consultant and ensuring these are sent efficiently to the referring physician. Monitoring and answering all patient/doctors queries on the phone and via department email address. Deal effectively with complaints/issues.Logging critical data and statistics on a weekly and monthly basis for the line manager. Ordering stationary and medical stock for the office. When possible escorts patient or arranges for escort for the patient. Ensure Private Health insurance forms are accurately completed and signed by patient. Record all patient details accurately into the Meditech systemVerify patient information entered is accurate and complete. Record patients insurance status accurately into the Meditech system Obtains signed statement from patient to protect hospital's interests. Maintains confidentiality in maintaining all patient records.Receives payments on accountsPerforms cashiering duties-accepting payments from patients.Daily banking/reconciliation and ensure all invoices are raised daily for services providedWorks under direct supervision of a Supervisor or designee, but must be able to handle daily details of the Neurophysiology Department duties with minimal supervision.Promote a patient centred culture of openness and responsiveness to positive and constructive patient feedback and ensuring patient dignity, respect and choice is maintained in their care. Any other duties that the head of the department may request The PersonEssential requirements for the ideal candidate:Minimum 2 years’ experience in AdministrationFamiliar with a computerised information systemsThe ability to interact and communicate effectively with multidisciplinary staff members within the Hermitage Clinic.Flexibility/adaptabilityGood Microsoft office skills to include MS Word and ExcelExcellent written, verbal communication skillsGood time management and organisation skillsAbility to remain confidential with patient informationAbility to have empathy with patientsPractice high standard of customer service and careWhy work at the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the Hermitage Medical Clinic team you can benefit from: Competitive salaryAn Education Support ProgrammeDevelopment opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionAccess to a Pension SchemeSubsidised RestaurantFree staff car parkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife AssuranceThe Hermitage Medical Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality at all levels of the organisation. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email

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