Admin Support Worker - Preparing For Life Project, Clarecare

Clarecare is a professional accredited social enterprise with charitable status, providing a range of person-centred services for over 55 years to individuals and families in Co. Clare. Current services include Family Support, Older Person Services and Bushypark Residential Addiction Treatment Centre.  Clarecare’s headquarters are based in Ennis with local offices in Bushypark, Shannon, Kilrush, Killaloe and Ennistymon. Further information is available on      www.bushypark.ieOur Vision: is to be the trusted quality care provider within our communities by supporting individuals and families to reach their full potential.Our Mission: is to provide person-centred services to individuals and families within our communities.Our Core Values: • Collaborate • Accountability • Respect • Empathy • TrustClarecare’s Family Support ServiceClarecare Community Based Family Support Service is a service funded by Tusla and is part of a broad range of support services provided by Clarecare in County Clare. The Family Support Service offers individual and group support for parents, and individual support for children and adolescents. Working from a relationship-based practice approach, our professional family support staff aim to enhance parenting, family relationships and communication; and improve resilience, safety and wellbeing in all aspects of a child’s life.Job DescriptionPosition Title: Administration Support Worker – Preparing For Life (PFL) Project 1 Year  Part Time, Fixed Term Contract of Employment (with possibility of extension) Overview of Preparing for Life Programme Preparing For Life (PFL) is a home visiting programme designed to support expectant parents and their children up to school age. It aims to involve parents, caregivers and significant others and works to improve family lives by supporting parents / caregivers to use proven approaches to help their family achieve their full potential. The programme specifically sets out to improve levels of school readiness and enhance child development. The programme is now funded by Tusla Child and Family Agency in 12 disadvantaged areas and is extending to the Kilrush area in 2025. Further information on the programme is available at Job TitlePreparing for Life Programme  Administration Support Worker Role PurposeTo provide administration support to the Preparing for life  Programme in Kilrush  LocationThe office base for this position will be Clarecare’s Kilrush office at 4 Dooneen Park, Kilrush, Co. Clare. This is an on-site role – remote/hybrid working does not apply.  The successful candidate may, if required, be assigned by the Chief Executive Officer/Family Support Services Manager or designate; to Clarecare’s other places of business/centre locations. You will be given as much notice of any such change of place of work as is reasonably practicable.  DURATION OF CONTRACT: This is a 1 year part time, fixed term contract of employment.   There may be capacity to continue the project beyond 2025 subject to funding (to be determined). DAYS/HOURS OF WORK:Monday to Friday, 9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.  Flexibility is required regarding your days/hours of work to ensure operational needs are met ANNUAL LEAVE:Annual Leave entitlement is 26 mornings per full leave year (Jan-Dec) for part-time staff. This entitlement excludes Public Holidays. POSITION REPORTS TO:The Preparing for Life Administration Support  Worker will report to the PFL Home Visiting Co-ordinator or delegate and will work as part of a wider multi-disciplinary Family Support Services team structure.  General Responsibilities ·         To adhere to Clarecare’s policies, procedures, protocols in relation to all work within Clarecare.·          To fulfil obligations under Children First Act 2015 and all responsibilities under Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017).·          To store and maintain accurate, confidential records in accordance with the Family Support Services practice protocols and to comply with responsibilities under the Data Protection Acts 1988, 2003 & 2018 (GDPR).·          To attend and participate in mandatory training/further training and continuous professional development and learning opportunities.·          Maintain professional and personal boundaries and adhere at all times to Clarecare’s Guidelines & Code of Conduct for Staff and other policies/procedures.·          To perform other duties appropriate to the position as may be assigned to you by the Family Support Services Manager or designate.   Specific Responsibilities to the Post·       To support the implementation of the Preparing for Life Programme (PFL)  In Kilrush.  ·       To provide administration support  for the Preparing for Life Programme ·       To input and update internal and external data bases as required.·      To complete and submit statistical information and reports in a timely manner as requested and to ensure the data management system is up to date, that accurate records are maintained, and statistical information can be accessed as required.·       To support the set up and delivery of PFL individual and group work interventions with parents as required. ·       To promote the work of the Preparing for Life Programme in Kilrush. ·       To assist in coordinating  communications about the PFL project activities.·       To assist the Preparing for Life Home visiting Coordinator to continually improve the efficiency of service delivery ·       To plan and manage own workload and ensure deadlines are met.·       To participate in team training and supervision as required. ·       To contribute to research, audit, review and evaluation of the Service as required.·       To be flexible and adaptable in one’s approach to work with the Family Support Services Management team, clients and staff. Other ·        Performing any other relevant duties assigned from time to time by the PFL Coordinator or Family Support Service Manager    ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION·        Minimum of 2 years current general administration experience gained in a busy work environment with well-developed typing skills.·        Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Work, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Forms). Experience of using Canva or other graphic design suites or One Touch IT system/app would be a distinct advantage.·        Have obtained such a standard of education as to enable them discharge the duties of the post satisfactorily.·        Experienced in accurate report formatting and taking minutes  of meetings with a keen eye for detail and ability to follow-through and see the broader picture.·        A fast learner with the ability to work in teams and have high level problem solving skills.·        Excellent interpersonal & communication skills (verbal and written) together with high level organisational skills and the ability to prioritise important projects.·        High attention to detail and a keen interest in accuracy of your work.·        Self-motivated with a professional “can do” attitude .·        The ability to stay calm under pressure and use your own initiative.·        Capable of multi-tasking with high level time management skills and the ability to prioritise tasks and meet deadlines.·        Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team.·        Ability to maintain the principles of confidentiality in all areas of work.·        A positive ‘fit to work’ medical.·        Positive Garda vetting disclosure via Clarecare.·        Two positive written references, from your current and most recent employer.·        Full clean driving licence with use of car, together with personal indemnity insurance to Clarecare. Salary & Benefits: The gross salary per annum on offer for this 1 year part-time, fixed term vacancy is available from HR on 086 – 4161520.•            26 mornings annual leave per full leave year (Jan-Dec), excluding Public Holidays entitlement.•            Free access to Employee Assistance Programme Services via VHI.•            Defined Contribution Pension Scheme Membership & access to full-terms of Clarecare’s Sick Pay Scheme                on successful completion of probation (6 months).•            Payroll deduction facility for Health Insurance cover.•            Cycle to Work Scheme.•            Access to Clarecare’s Wellness Programmes. NOTE: This job description is provided as a guideline. Unforeseen policy changes or emerging needs of the Service, may create additional/new demands on the post, thus requiring the post holder to fulfil those demands.  

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