Acute Cardiac Assessment Service (ACAS) CNM / CNS

 The Role: Provide a specialist nursing service for patients with cardiovascular disease that incorporates evidence- based knowledge, investigative and analytical skills and specialist assessment techniques that include physical, psychological, social and spiritual elements of care to triage comprehensibly assess and manage a range of complex presentations.Plan and initiate care and treatment modalities within agreed protocols to achieve patient centred outcomes and evaluate their effectiveness.Utilize assessment skills and techniques to determine each patient/family needs.Plan all care in collaboration with the Cardiac Consultant and individual-patient.Provide specialist advice to patients on appropriate products to meet their needsLiaise as appropriate with other members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) regarding any aspect of patient careDevelop, document and update care, discharge and teaching plans and information / documentation as necessary.Co-ordinate and track the completion of the patient reported outcome measuresMonitor and review data input from this ACA Service. This facilitates multidisciplinary clinical audit, research, assist in developing the Service and leading on best practice.Attend to the routine calls from patients; provide timely specialist advice or consultation as appropriate.The Candidate: Be registered in the general division of the Register of Nurses maintained by NMBIHave at least five years recent relevant post-registration nursing experience (full-time or equivalent hours part-time) in an acute hospital setting and a minimum of two years nursing experience in Cardiovascular Nursing (or similar)Have acquired a level 8 post registration Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic award relevant to the specialist area- Cardiology Nursing (or similar) or be willing to complete within one year of taking up post.Clinical SkillsManagement skillsLeadership skillsIT skillsQuality focusRisk ManagementClinical auditExcellent interpersonal and communication skills Closing date for receipt of applications: Thursday, September 7th 2023 @ 4.30 pm Blackrock Health at The Galway Clinic is an equal opportunities employer.

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