Activity Coordinator

Activity Coordinator required for Kiltipper Woods Care Centre, Kiltipper Woods Care Centre is a leading healthcare centre and is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and innovative person to join our activities team.   Our Activity Coordinator is central to the well-being of our residents and patients. For many, she or he is a life-link, a familiar and trusted person whose presence is felt and appreciated on many levels. Job Requirements·       Organise and co-ordinate activities for active daily living that will maintain interest and progression over time.·       Meet new residents, find out their interest and preferences and encourage them to attend activities.·       Consult with residents about the activities programme and where practical and appropriate respond to their wishes.·       Be proactive in forward planning events e.g., national / festive celebrations.·       Establish links with the local community and encourage cross generational activities.·       Research new ideas and keep up to date with developments in activities for older people.·       Assist with producing the monthly activities bulleting and newsletter in collaboration with the MDT team and ensure that it is circulated to all residents.·       Ensure the activities programme reflects the wide range of individual needs, abilities, and preferences. Ensuring a diverse programme is provided that caters for everyone.·       Work as part of our MDT team. What qualifies someone for this position?·       QQI Level 5 in Healthcare Support or equivalent or Level 5 Applied Social Care essential.Previous experience working as an activity assistant or activity coordinator is an advantage. Working in a Care Environment or in Care of the Older Person within a residential care setting is desirable.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.An intuitive knowledge of the interests and needs of older people.Have a good knowledge of the HIQA Standards.A ‘can-do’ problem-solving attitude coupled with organisational skills.Have a teamwork approach and a flexible attitude. A commitment to undertake further training.Benefits include:Kiltipper Woods offers the following:Excellent staff facilities. Opportunity to work as a part of an onsite multidisciplinary team.Kiltipper Woods Care Centre has built and sustained its reputation for excellence in the provision of quality care and standards.A pleasant working environmentCompetitive rates of pay.Continuous Professional DevelopmentPaid Mandatory TrainingCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of care.Subsidised CaféTax save scheme (Bus, Rail, Bike to Work)Free Car ParkingBike StoragePension SchemeCredit Union Savings PlanDiscounted Physio sessionTo ApplyPlease submit a copy of your current CV.Note: A cover letter must be submitted with your CV. Applications will not be accepted without a detailed cover letter.

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