Activities Coordinator - Part Time -Suncroft Lodge

An Exciting opportunity for the right candidate.Suncroft Lodge Co.Kildare is part of Trinity Care Group a well-respected, multi-award-winning Nursing Home Group, part of the international DomusVi Group.We provide private residential, convalescent, and rehabilitative care in our purpose-built Nursing Homes. We have centres in Dublin, Meath, Louth, Kildare, Kilkenny, and Cavan.We are currently looking to recruit a Part Time Activities Co-Ordinator to join our team of fantastic staff. Our Activities Co-Ordinator plays a vital role in our Residents livesWe require a Dynamic person who has the ability to develop and organise a range of events / activities for our ResidentsYou must be a team playerHave the ability to work on own initiativeYou must be friendly, creative and confidentYou must have a genuine interest in working with our Residents. Desired: *         Previous experience of working with the relevant Client group*         Qualification in remedial / occupational therapies*         Flexible approach towards working routinesHours are 10:30am-4:30pm Saturdays, Sundays, Bank holidays and covering annual leave holidays.If you are that person please send us your CV.

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