Activities Co-Ordinator (Part Time) - Mount Hybla Nursing Home

The Beechfield Care Group wishes to recruit a part time (27 hours per week) Activities Co-Ordinator, to work with our Residents in Mount Hybla Nursing Home, Castleknock. Dublin 15.The Activities Co-Ordinator assesses, plans, implements and evaluates programs for resident activities which are multi-faceted, meet the resident's functional needs, and reflect interests of each resident.Duties Include: Plans, schedules, implements and evaluates a program of individual and/or group activities based on the resident's needs.Coordinates and participates in resident activities designed to promote social interaction, reality orientation and intellectual stimulation.Provides residents who are confined or choose to remain in their rooms with in-room activities in keeping with life long interests.Completes the activity assessment and care plan documentation following the gathering of information to reflect the individual resident s functional level, problems, needs and interests.Documents activity related information on the residents charts. Reviews staff s chart entries for completeness.Develop monthly calendar of planned activities.Develops and reviews continuous quality improvement plans for the Activity ProgrammeGreat benefits on offer:Paid BreaksFree Meals on siteWeekend Premium Pay RatesPaid trainingFree parkingFlexible working hoursEducation & Development - Paid QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support ModulesSummer & Christmas PartiesAccess to Pension SchemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLong service, Employee recognition and appreciation awardsCandidate Requirements: Highly organisedSONAS trainedCare Assistant BackgroundQQI Level 5

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