Activities Assistant

We are recruiting a Full time Activities Assistant to join our Navan Rd Dublin 7 Care Home.The Activities Assistant assists in the implementation of a Meaningful Activity Programme within the home to ensure that all residents can participate in meaningful and life enhancing activities as part of their daily life in residential care. This includes older people with hearing impairment. It also included older people with cognitive, physical, sensory and intellectual impairments.RequirementsExperience working in Care of the Older Person within a residential care home setting is advantageous.Relevant experience is desirable but not essential as training will be provided:Sonas Programme Course completed is desirable but not essential as training will be provided;A good level of IT skills;Familiarity of EpicCare platform is desirableStrong communication and interpersonal skills to communicate clearly with colleagues and residents;Demonstrable skills in cooking, gardening, knitting, music, arts and crafts is desirable. What to Expect At Curam Care Homes we are committed to providing and maintaining the highest standard of person centered care and services by offering competitive benefits, encouraging life - work balance and fostering career progression opportunities for all employees. Benefits A positive working environmentOngoing education and training programmesFlexible working hoursPaid breaks15% premiums paid on Sundays and Public HolidaysReferral bonusDiscounted uniforms (buy 1 get 1 free)Cycle to work scheme with a repayment planFree Car ParkingPension Scheme (up to 4% matching)Death in Service benefitsPharmacy DiscountCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of serviceModern custom built facilitatesDue to the urgency of this vacancy, we are unable to offer sponsorship at this time.The above lists of responsibilities and benefits are not exhaustive. For all informal inquires or to request a copy of the full job description please email 

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