Accounts Receivable Team Lead

Finance – Head Office, Dunboyne, Co.Meath, A86W820The Accounts Receivable Team Lead will play a dual role by actively participating in day-to-day tasks while leading and managing the team. The position requires overseeing credit applications, managing account changes, and analyzing and implementing process improvements to enhance team productivity.Responsibilities: Team Leadership:·        Supervise and mentor the accounts receivable team.·        Allocate workload and ensure tasks are completed on schedule.·        Conduct regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and updates. Accounts Receivable Management:·        Review and process credit applications.·        Oversee customer account updates and changes.·        Monitor overdue accounts and ensure effective follow-up strategies.·        Support monthly closing activities, including reconciliations and reporting. Process Improvement:·        Analyze existing workflows to identify inefficiencies.·        Implement strategies to improve team productivity and accuracy.·        Develop and enforce accounts receivable policies and procedures. Collaboration and Communication:·        Coordinate with other departments to resolve customer issues.·        Provide insights and reports to senior management.·        Act as the primary point of contact for escalated accounts receivable matters.Skills Required:·        Leadership and team management experience.·        Strong attention to detail and analytical skills.·        Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.·        Proficiency in accounting software and advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel.·        Proven ability to handle multiple priorities effectively.·        Solid understanding of accounts receivable processes and credit management.What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·        Competitive salary·        Annual Bonus·        Twenty-one days annual leaveAdditional Benefits:·        Further Education/Training Support·        Annual Company Social Events·        Sick Pay·        Cycle to work scheme·        Employee Assistance Programme·        Paid Maternity/Paternity LeaveHiring Process Upon Application:·        Telephone Screening·        2 round interview process·        Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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