Accounts Receivable Assistant – Finance Department

Reporting to: Finance ManagerLocation:  Little Island CorkJob SummaryAs Accounts Assistant, you will be expected to perform accounting duties and administrative tasks professionally and with a strong attention to detail. The primary focus will be on accounts receivable and supporting the Finance manager in accounts preparation for a number of companies within the group. Building relationships with our residents Next of Kin and our teams in each home is key to this role so the applicant should be a very strong communicator. ResponsibilitiesAccounts receivable·       Issue invoices for all customers on a timely basis and issue statements on a monthly basis·       Bill HSE monthly to tight deadlines·       Record and correctly allocate all debtor receipts·       The ability to follow up on outstanding accounts with customers and ensure payments are received on a timely basis·       Maintain credit control procedures·       Provide timely and accurate answers to queries from customers·       Manage & Maintain Debtors Ledger and report on same monthly·       HSE Reconciliations performed monthlyAccounts Preparation/ Payroll support·       Support role to finance manager ·       Preparation of Accruals and Prepayments Schedules·       Payroll processing support to cover holidays/ sick leave·       Posting of journal entries·       Maintain Fixed Asset Register·       Other ad hoc duties as requested·       Continuously improve controls and procedures·       Prioritise work and manage time effectively·       Adhere to all health and safety rules, regulations and guidelines in place within the CareChoice GroupQualifications and Experience·       Be a qualified Accounting Technician or be on a path to an alternative accounting qualification ·       At least 2 years practical experience preferably in Accounts Receivable·       Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to connect with people – development of a good working relationship with the homes and residents’ families is key to the role.·       Strong IT Skills (Excel), experience with Exchequer an advantage·       Exposure to Payroll systems an advantage but not a necessity·       Travel necessary throughout the Munster region Note: The extent and speed of change in the delivery of service is such that adaptability is essential in this role. The incumbent will be required to maintain, enhance and develop their professional knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to respond to a changing situation. This Job Description should be regarded as an outline of the major areas of accountability at the present time, and will be reviewed and assessed on an on-going basis.

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