Accounts/ Purchasing Assistant

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for an Accounts/ Purchasing Assistant to join our head office in Wexford Town.The major function of this role is the responsibility for maintaining efficient and accurate Accounting functions.Position: Full Time On SiteSalary: Negotiable depending on experienceReporting to the Financial Controller & Company Director you may be responsible for some of the following:Processing Supplier Invoices & QueriesCreditor ReconciliationsSub-Contractor ValuationsBank ReconciliationRevenue ReturnsAssist with obtaining Quotes for MaterialsPlacing Purchase OrdersAssist with obtaining Tenders for contract workRequired Knowledge and Skills:Previous experience in a similar role would be beneficial but not essential as training will be provided.High level of attention to detail and ability to maintain financial standardsExcellent written and verbal communication skills.Proficient with general office PC applicationsAbility to multitask and prioritise

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