Accounts Payable Executive – Programme Executive

Job TitleAccounts Payable Executive – Programme Executive Salary€50,001 pa (Other arrangements may apply if coming directly from another civil or public service body)Tenure5-year fixed term contractWork LocationDublinClosing DateMidnight, Friday 27th September 2024Role ProfileWe have an exciting opportunity in our Core Finance Team in the Corporate Services Directorate.Within the Corporate Services Directorate, the Finance team are responsible for overseeing all payments to ensure that they are paid appropriately and in accordance with strong governance and internal controls. The Finance team is also responsible for the annual budgeting process, internal monthly reporting, forecasting and preparation of year end statutory accounts.The Accounts Payable Executive will be responsible for coordinating the invoice processing and process payments across a range of SEAI schemes as well as being a key point of contact for suppliers and internal stakeholders in relation to invoice processing.Reporting to the Accounts Payable (AP) Lead, the successful candidate will work closely with the other AP team members and with the broader Finance team in relation to a wide variety of tasks including grants compliance, auditing, accounts preparation along with various projects.The successful candidate will join an enthusiastic and innovative Finance team who are committed to the high-quality delivery of SEAI’s sustainable energy initiatives.This position will play a key role in the above Department.Essential RequirementsThe successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:A qualification at Level 8 on the NFQ (i.e. honours degree or higher) or equivalent in either business, finance, accounting or related area and a minimum of 3 years’ directly relevant experience working in an end-to-end Accounts Payable function.ORA qualification at Level 7 on the NFQ (i.e. ordinary degree) or equivalent in either business, finance, accounting or related area and a minimum of 5 years’ directly relevant experience working in an end-to-end Accounts Payable function.ORA qualification at Level 6 on the NFQ (i.e. third level certificate) or equivalent in either business, finance, accounting or a related area and a minimum of 8 years’ directly relevant experience working in an end-to-end Accounts Payable function.Strong understanding of Irish Taxation including demonstrated experience in completing VAT/PSWT/RCT returns.Experience working in a multi–disciplinary team.Well-developed IT skills and understanding of MS Office 365 package.Strong understanding of controls and good governance practices.Desirable RequirementsWorking knowledge of the Integra-Centros finance system. Experience in a public sector or other highly regulated environment. Understanding of public sector taxation. Interest or knowledge of the sustainable energy sector in Ireland. Experience in training/onboarding new staff.Demonstrated experience in process improvement and change. Eligibility to WorkThe SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. Where applicable and to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void.#LI-Hybrid

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