Accounts Assistant

About the jobWe're delighted to create a new role in our Finance team at Carrolls Irish Gifts.We were certified as a Great Place to Work in 2024, and we our looking for our new colleague to be part of this great culture.Reporting to the Finance Manager and based in our new Support Office in Fonthill, Dublin 22, you will be an efficient and effective professional who likes to get things right first time.What you will be doing:• Weekly bank recs for €uro, £Sterling and USD• Auditing store safe balances• Reviewing daily cash sheets from stores• Examining till transactions and investigating anomalies• Assisting the AP colleagues during peak periodsWhat we'd like from you:• Previous and similar experience• Ideally Business Central and PowerBI knowledge• Advanced MS Excel and excellent organisation skills• No issues with meeting strict and frequent deadlines• You're reliable and you've a positive 'can do' approach to workWhat you can expect in return:• 30% colleague discount in-store & online• Cycle to Work & TaxSaver plans• Service Awards• Monthly Extra Mile Award• Death in Service Benefit• Annual Gala Awards Night at Dublin’s Mansion House• Educational bursary & exam support• Learning & Development opportunities• Monthly birthday celebration for all colleagues• Performance feedback• Internal social media platform Workvivo• And our diverse work cultureHit "Apply" if you're a born team player who has a desire to excel in a collaborative culture!

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