Accounts Assistant

The 4* Maritime Hotel in Bantry, West Cork has a vacancy for a full time Accounts Assistant (maternity leave contract). Based at the Maritime hotel this role will work closely with the Maritime management team and with Finance department of Gleneagle Group. This role may suit someone looking to return to the workforce or looking to gain further experience in this field.While this role is ideally five days per week, Monday – Friday we can open to discussion with the successful candidate on working four days per week usually and five days during month end.Main responsibilities:Accounts receivable: Posting customer sales invoices onto system, sending out monthly statements and following up on overdue invoices, resolving queries relating to customer accounts, managing relationships with customersAccounts payable: processing invoices, managing and overseeing purchase order system including setting up suppliers, raising PO’s, managing relationships with suppliers, completion of month end processing and reports, overseeing weekly and monthly payment runs, organising and processing regular stocktakes.Daily Cash Balancing Other duties: Assist in monthly mgmt. accounts preparation, end of year audit files and procedures, point of contact for AR and AP queries.Experience and qualifications:Previous experience in a similar role is essentialAccounting Technician qualification preferred Experience in a hotel environment particularly front office is advantageousExceptional attention to detailSelf-starter with ability to work on own initiative, but equally comfortable working as part of a teamExcellent communicator both written and verbal Benefits:Year-round employmentOnline training prior to startingHR support throughout onboarding processFree onsite car parkingFree meals, tea & coffee on dutyUniform providedEqual opportunity for training and career development with the Gleneagle GroupPaid internal and external training daysDiscounted use of gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam roomSpecial rates for family and friends in our hotels and self-catering propertiesDiscounted dining rates for family for special occasions2-night stay for two people in a hotel of your choice after 12 months serviceAccess to trained mental health first aidersEmployee social events calendarEmployee wellbeing events

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