Accounts Administrator

Clanree Hotel are currently recruiting for a Part Time Accounts Administrator to join our busy team. Main Responsibilities: Debtors Management·        Maintain Bank Receipt Template on a Daily Basis.·        Post and Allocate Receipts to Invoices.·        Ensure timely collection of overdue accounts and adherence to debtor terms.·        Maintain an accurate and updated debtor ledger and reconcile accounts monthly.·        Send Final Demand Letters and hand over delinquent accounts to the legal department.Cash-Up and Banking Reconciliation·        Reconcile cash and credit card payments daily against POS System Records.·        Counting of Cash and assist with cash-in transit documentation Creditors Ledger·        Assist the Credit Controller with posting of invoices to Sage Accounts.·        Allocating of supplier payments to invoices.·        Updating database re Fuel consumptionGeneral Duties:Assist with general clerical tasks, including photocopying, scanning and collecting statutory documents.Perform other duties as reasonably requested by management. Requirements·        Experience in Debtor Management would be a distinct advantage·        1-2 years previous working experience in accounts.·        Attention to Detail and the ability to multitask.·        A team player.·        Good Communication and interpersonal skills-written and oral.Only those with the relevant experience will be contacted for interview.

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