Account Executive

Responsible for assisting the commercial team across fresh beef, lamb and added value business. This will include supporting & liaising with both internal and external stakeholders to ensure that customer needs are met. A good communicator and team playerKey responsibilities:• Complete weekly sales reports and analysis that provide insight into performance and subcategory trends • Promotional lead by updating plans, amending forecasts and conducting performance analysis• Act as champion and owner of the customers online performance, driving both business’ performance to maximise sales and the customer experience• Assist with ongoing project work to the support commercial team• Develop & maintain new business customer data and dashboards• Support the cross functional team to co-ordinate projects, information and any concerns that need to be resolved• No direct reportsPersonal specification• Organised and Resilient• Ability to prioritise and solutions driven • Highly communicative • Ability to influence others positively • Passionate and enthusiastic • Strong written and verbal communication skills• A desire for autonomy and accountability • Strong eye for detail and cost aware • Customer focused• Proficient use of Excel and PowerPoint 

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