Accommodation Supervisor

We are currently recruiting for a full time Accommodation Supervisor. Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding career in the hospitality industry? This is an excellent opportunity for an ambitious, enthusiastic person with a strong eye for attention to detail and exceptional standards.Overview of the Role: Assisting the Head of Accommodation to manage the accommodation department in an efficient manner.Day to day operations of the accommodation department and to be involved in a ‘hands on’ capacity.Managing a team of accommodation assistants, linen/house porters and mini bar attendants.Ensuring accommodation standards are being maintained at all times.Liaising with relevant personnel to ensure a seamless guest experience.Ensuring open communication with Senior Management.Operational training is carried out on a on a regular basis.The Ideal Candidate: Have 3rd level qualification in Accommodation Management or equivalent experienceHave achieved Management level in Accommodation within a Hotel environment.Be focused on standards and attention to detail.Be organised, efficient and systematic in work proceduresBe self-motivated, have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Have a good ability to lead and motivate. Excellent benefits package with the role including but not limited to:Free Leisure Centre Access after 6 monthsPension Scheme after 6 monthsSick Pay SchemeWellness ProgrammeCompetitive SalaryUp to twenty five days holidays based on length of serviceUniform dry cleaningDiscounts rates across The Inn at Dromoland and Dromoland Castle Hotel

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