Accommodation Porter

Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort are looking for a Part Time Accommodation Porter to join our team More than just a hotel. Tulfarris is one of the most picturesque hotels in Wicklow. Our luxurious hotel consists of 90 guest rooms and 3 self-catering lodges with their own unique story and style which provide the perfect setting for weddings and all sorts of special events. The Brasserie and The Fairways Restaurant serve an array of delicious food in a relaxing environment which boasts panoramic views across our golf course, the Blessington Lakes and Wicklow Mountains. Located just 45 minutes from Dublin City and 25 minutes from the M50, the hotel is easily accessible. The RoleYou will be expected to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene in all areas of the hotel to ensure guests comfort throughout the stay. You must be able to work on your own initiative. You will be professional and enthusiastic and have some work experience in hotel accommodation services. Duties Include:To assist the accommodation manager and supervisors in the control stock levels and co-operate with stock takes as required.To be responsible for the daily stocking of accommodation trolleys and caddies.To deal with lost property as per house policy Making sure the corridors are clear throughout the day.Making sure the linen room is always tidy.Making sure the upstairs storerooms are fully stocked.Looking after canteen cleanliness.Help accommodation department with cleaning rooms as requested Assisting with cleaning public area and public toilets Cleaning windows in the hotel inside and outside when possible. Making sure the vending machine is working and clean.Empty rubbish bins at the end of the day.Ensuring the lobby and public areas are kept clean and presentable at all timesFollow proper safety, hygiene, and sanitation practicesExcellent customer care and interpersonal skills are also essentialTo carry out any additional reasonable tasks requested by management.   This is Part Time role that will require availability weekdays and weekends. You will be required to be flexible and work evenings on request.  All applicants must have permission to work in Ireland and must be over 18.Why Work With Us? We are a team of talented professionals who work well together and we are a fun team to work with. We want you to be happy and enjoy coming to work with us by providing every individual with the support and training required. Just some of the benefits of working with us:Excellent working environmentFriends and family stayover specialsAnnual employee awardsEmployee Assistance ProgrammeTraining & Development opportunitiesCareer progression opportunitiesTulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort - #MoreThanJustaHotelTo ApplyIf you would like to apply for this role, please forward your CV through this website. We look forward to hearing from you!

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