Accommodation Porter

The Diamond Coast is looking for a Accommodation Porter to join the Team.About The Diamond CoastLocated in Enniscrone, The Diamond Coast Hotel commands a prime location overlooking the breathtaking Enniscrone championship golf course, dune lands and stunning five kilometres of golden beaches, perfect for water sports, swimming and long walks. The luxury accommodation at the Diamond Coast Hotel comprises of 99 well appointed, spacious and tastefully decorated guest rooms. Many guest rooms enjoy views over Enniscrone Golf Course and the stunning dunes.The Coral Restaurant at the Diamond Coast Hotel offers a warm welcome, excellent cuisine, great wines, relaxing surroundings and friendly hotel staff to attend to your every need. Additional facilities include a crystal adorned banqueting suite perfect for your wedding day, seating up to 400 guests, meeting rooms and Stir Bistro.Key Responsibilities of Accommodation Porter:Ensure that all linen is removed from corridors and other areas around the hotelComplete manual handling duties within the hotel such as mattress turning and furniture removalEnsure that an appropriate stock of linen, towels and guest amenities are available at all timesClean any designated areas of the Hotel Vacuum and clean floor, fugs, furniture If you are interested in further developing your knowledge and experience in the industry, with this exciting and unique opportunity please apply online. 

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