Accommodation Manager - Sligo

GSW Solutions is delighted to assist Sligo's newest Four Star Hotel in the recruitment for their Accommodation ManagerHousekeeping managerReporting to the Hotel ManagerOutline of PositionOversees all aspect of Hotel cleanliness and maintenance in accordance with Company standards. Responsible for the day-to-day management of the hotel and its staff. Accountability for budgeting, planning, organizing and directing all hotel accommodation and laundry services.Key Duties and ResponsibilitiesOperationalEnsure the highest standards of cleanliness in all areas of the hotel including rooms, public areas, back of house, staff areas and hotel exteriorConduct rigorous checking system and ensure the team is fully trained in all aspects of the housekeeping departmentLiaise with the front office to coordinate the allocation of accommodationLiaise with all other departments within the hotel if and when required.Manage staff rotas and supervisory cover for the housekeeping department.Oversee repairs and maintenance of room and public areas (Dining areas, Gym, etc.)Inspect the hotel daily to meet the highest hygiene, health, and safety regulations.Recruit and supervise a team of room attendants, linen porters and maintenance in cooperation with the HR department.Coordinate and arrange laundry and linen supplies. Manager all laundry operations.Manage hotel lost property as per company policy .Carry out duty management shifts as required.Planning and OrganizingEnsure strict housekeeping SOPs are in place and continually update and adhere to.Ensure all team members attend all training as required by the company.Ensure regular ram and departmental meetings are held and that minutes of the meetings are recorded, followed up and forwarded to the attention of the Hotel Manager.Control and analyse departmental costs continuously and implement corrective actions as required.Ensure adequate checklist and record are in place.Oversee the annual operation and records are in place.Oversee the annual operation budget for the housekeeping department. Ensure oversight of the key costs such as payroll, energy, stock and supplies.Ensure all working materials/equipment, areas, and signage are maintained in good condition. All faulty/damaged equipment and health and safety concerns are immediately reported.Our Expectations of you:Interact and communicate with clients, guests and colleagues in courteous, friendly and professional manner at all times.To be fully aware of all company policies and procedures.To ensure staff in your department comply with hotel policy regarding uniform and personal hygiene.Be aware of the day`s business, both in room occupancy, special requirements and VIP needs.Be consistently well groomed and professional in appearance and presentation at all times.Be innovative- develop and implement new ideas contributing to company success.Protect and promote the image of The Address Collective at all times.Strive for excellence. Ne a mentor for your team and always lead by example.Although mandatory, the above list of requirements is not exhaustive. Reasonable flexibility will be required within your role.

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