Accommodation Assistant

A fantastic opportunity to join the Accommodation team at Mount Wolseley Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort.We are looking for the following roles:Accommodation AssistantMount Wolseley Hotel in Carlow. is beautifully situated in the tranquil countryside of County Carlow, just one hour from Dublin City, the Mount Wolseley Luxury 4 * Golf & Spa Resort Hotel is an exquisite location for both business and pleasure.Standing on its own 18-Hole Championship Golf Course and featuring a Sanctuary Spa, Leisure Club Facilities including 20m Indoor Pool, The Mount Wolseley Hotel near Dublin offers luxury hotel accommodation in Carlow which matches an elegant, chic interior with ultra-modern amenities and impeccable service.This role offers flexible shift patterns; Responsibilities include but are not limited to:Maintains excellent standards of cleanliness throughout the hotel.Clean guest bedrooms and bathrooms to a high and consistent level daily.To deal with all guests requests in a professional and timely manner.Complete reports for hotel managementVacuum rooms and corridors and maintain all public areas.Change and replenish bed linen, towels, and guest amenities in line with company guidelines.Undertake regular deep cleaning tasks when requested.Restock and maintain trolley on daily basis.Be environmentally aware and dispose of waste accordingly.To ensure the highest possible standard of personal hygiene, dress, appearance and conduct is maintained at all times.Skills/Experience to include but are not limited to:Ability to work cohesively with housekeeping staff and other departments and co-workers as part of a team.Excellent communication skills and a passion for customer service.Must be well groomed and take pride in their appearanceEmployee Benefits:Meals on dutyOpportunities for development and career progressionEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Recognition AwardsTeam Member Accommodation & F&B discounts in Great Country Hotels around IrelandComplimentary parking

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