Accommodation / Housekeeping Assistant

This is an excellent opportunity for someone with experience within a similar quality environment, to join our team.The ideal candidate will come from at least a 4 star background preferably with experience in a similar role and should be flexible as this role requires the person to work weekdays and weekends.The successful candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills and a high level of customer service skillsBenefitsCompetitive salaryTraining & development to aid your professional and personal developmentStaff meals and uniform are provided while on duty.Paid breaksEarn money by referring a friend to work with usRequirementsMust have an excellent work ethic and be hardworking with a positive attitude towards their workWill be required to ensure all of our guests expectations are metAssist in ensuring that our standards of service are met. Attention to detail is a necessityMust have an ability to work under pressureMust be legally valid to work Full-time in IrelandExcellent Communications Skills (Written & Verbal)Flexibility required regarding days of workMain responsibilities:Ensuring cleanliness of all bedrooms and public areasCleaning to all of The Ashling Hotel standardsMaintaining all public areasAll other duties designated within the accommodation department

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