Accommodation Assistant- Full Time/Part Time

The Brehon Hotel & Spa is currently recruiting for the position of Accommodation Assistant. Reporting to the Accommodation Supervisor you will be responsible for maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene throughout the Hotel.Main Duties will include:Responsible for preparation of number of rooms assigned on a daily basis to be ready in advance of guest arrivalCleaning and upkeep of Guest bedrooms, public areas and back of house areas within the Hotel to the required standardMaking beds, cleaning bathrooms, polishing furniture, hoovering, replenishing amenities and removing rubbish.Clean, polish & hoover all bedrooms and corridorsEnsure any maintenance issues are brought to the attention of management immediatelyEnsure any lost property is logged and stored correctlyEnsure all equipment is maintained and kept in good working orderYou will be responsible for the cleaning and maintaining of guest bedrooms and public areas of the hotel to an approved standard. To greet all guests in a warm and friendly manner and assist with any queries they may haveThe Ideal Candidate will:Have an eye for detailBe a Team playerSelf motivatedAvailable for early morning shifts/evenings and weekend workBenefitsOpportunities for Professional Development & GrowthHot lunch, Tea & Coffee Available On DutyEmployee Recognition Scheme such as Employee of the Month & Feel Good FridaysEmployee Referral BonusFlexible Schedule

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