Accommodation Assistant

We are currently seeking a Full Time Accommodation Assistant to join our amazing team in The Cork International HotelIf you are looking to enter or re- enter the workforce, want to work for an employer who understands your commitments outside of work, and want some flexibility around the hours / days you work then this is the role for you. This role works as part of the Accommodation team cleaning all guest bedrooms as well as all public areas of the hotel and is a key role in helping our guests to enjoy their stay. Previous experience is preferred but full training will be given. Responsibilities and DutiesResponsible for cleanliness of hotel bedrooms, bathrooms and all public areas.Ensuring all hotel Standards are met and maintained consistentlyAlways greet the guest with a smile ensuring that excellent customer care is being delivered at all timeExperience and SkillsA willingness to learn and a great attitude.Ability to work to a deadlineAble to work on own initiative Benefits of working for Trigon HotelsCompetitive rate of payRelocation AssistanceAccess to our Company Pension SchemeDeath in Service BenefitEmployee referral bonusFriends & Family discounts across our restaurantsSpecial rates in our hotel accommodationPaid internal and external training daysAccess to Trained Mental Health First AidersTeam Member Social & Wellbeing EventsTeam Member Annual Awards, Service Recognition, Monthly Team Member of The MonthMeals on DutyAssistance with Leap CardsSpecial rates for family and friends in our hotels

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