Accommodation Assistant

The Maritime Hotel in Bantry certified as a Great Place to Work is currently seeking Accommodation Assistants to join our team.This is a role will suit someone who likes to work in a structured way, who loves to clean and takes pride in a sparkling room. Full training will be given and a buddy system is in operation to support the new employee. We want to talk to you whether you are interested in working on a full or part time basis. Responsibilities and DutiesResponsible for cleanliness of hotel bedrooms, bathrooms and bedroom corridors.Ensuring all hotel Standards are met and maintained consistentlyRespond to any guests problems or complaints in the correct mannerAlways greet the guest with a smile ensuring that excellent customer care is being delivered at all timeExperience and SkillsA willingness to learn and a great attitude. Full training is providedAbility to work to a deadlineAble to work on own initiative.Benefits:Year-round employmentOnline training prior to startingHR support throughout onboarding process Free onsite car parkingFree meals, tea & coffee on dutyUniform providedEqual opportunity for training and career development with the Gleneagle GroupPaid internal and external training daysDiscounted use of gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room Special rates for family and friends in our hotels and self-catering propertiesDiscounted dining rates for family for special occasions 2-night stay for two people in a hotel of your choice after 12 months service Access to trained mental health first aidersEmployee social events calendarEmployee wellbeing events

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