Accommodation Assistant

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, part of The Talbot Collection are recruiting for Accommodation Assistants to join our team.Overall Job Purpose:The ideal candidate will be responsible for keeping all lobbies and public facilities in a neat and clean condition. Ensuring high quality 4* standards at all times in the bedrooms, corridors, public areas to the set standard of the Talbot Collection. To promote a positive, efficient, results driven and oriented working environment within the accommodation department.To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program. To be respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times.Role Specific Duties: To ensure all public areas are kept clean and tidy and maintained in a safe manner in accordance with the hotel health and safety guidelinesEnsure all carpets, floors in the bedrooms and public areas are clean and tidy using caution signage when necessary according to health and safety regulations as per SOP’sEnsure all toilets and guest bathrooms are clean, sanitised, and restocked with toiletries as per SOPsTo adhere to all Fire, Safety and Hygiene regulations and to comply with the Health and Safety at work act 2005 as detailed in your staff handbookHave a comprehensive knowledge of the appropriate use of various cleaning materials and detergents and cleaning equipmentTo assist Guest in Public Areas when required.To deal with customer complaints in an efficient and professional manner and to notify Management of theseThe successful candidate must have:Previous experience working in the accommodation department of a 4* hotel is desirable but not essential;Good communication skills;Communicative level of English;Flexible and available to work weekends;What do we offer?Competitive SalaryContributory Pension Scheme whereby the company matches contributions up to 3% (minimum service requirement)Complimentary TalbotFit membershipStaff meals on dutyLife Insurance15% discount in Pettitt's SuperValuGroup family and friends’ rates on AccommodationEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parking***Talbot Collection Stillorgan is an equal opportunities employer***

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