Accommodation Assistant

The Rose Hotel, is a 4 star hotel located in Tralee, Co Kerry.We are currently recruiting for Accommodation Assistants to work in a busy accommodation department. This role is full time, working 5 days with 2 days off including weekends and public hoildays.The hotel is open all year round.Main duties are:·        To service the allocated number of departure and stayover bedrooms as instructed on a daily basis·        To service all guest bedrooms are serviced to the agreed standard ·        To ensure that all special requirements in bedrooms are in place for guests’ arrival·        To report any maintenance issues in bedrooms and public areas immediately·        To clean all allocated public areas of the hotel·        To clean and maintain all public toilets on a daily basis·        To clean and maintain all employee locker rooms and toilets·        To keep all pantries clean and tidy and free from all hazards·        To keep adequate stock levels on service trolleys·        To ensure that linen is stored correctly and safely·        To prepare linen for collection and laundering·        To launder any items in house as instructed·        To clean and maintain all guest corridors and lift lobby’s. To ensure customer service is to the highest standard. To attend training in relation to your role. To adhere to health & safety standards within the hotel. To be flexible in your role, as you may be asked to work a public area shiftThe ideal candidate must:Have previous experience in the role of housekeeper/accommodation assistantMust be able to work as part of a teamMust have fluent EnglishBe able to work weekends and public holidaysBenefits of working in The Rose Hotel:Full time workProvided with uniformMeals on dutyTraining on the jobFree tea/coffeeFree carparkingAll year round employment PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT ABLE TO APPLY FOR A WORK PERMIT FOR THIS ROLE.

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