AC Installer

Quinn Downes Service & Maintenance (QDSM) is one of the leading Irish owned companies specialising in the provision of complete Hard Services Maintenance & Facility Supports. We operate under the Quinn Downes Group which was established in 1999. QDSM are recruiting for an AC Installer to join our ever-expanding company and one that will afford you with career progression opportunities. The successful candidate must have at least two years’ experience working with HVAC equipment and possess the following:Essential QualificationsApprenticeship QualificationFull drivers’ licenceExperience in the installation of VRV's, VRF's, Multi-split systems, DX etc..Preferable/DesirableF-Gas QualificationKnowledge in fault findingAny other qualifications relative to the role BenefitsCompetitive rate of payCareer development trainingCompany vehicle & tools providedEmployee Assistance ProgramRegular staff outings

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