Abattoir Operatives

Job descriptionABP is one of Europe`s leading privately owned food processors. The group operates across many businesses, spanning Ireland, the UK and Continental Europe and consist of 4 separate divisions; ABP Beef, ABP Proteins, ABP Renewables and ABP Pet Foods. We are currently recruiting for Operatives to work in our Abattoir at Kingswinford. Previous experience working in an abattoir would be advantageous but is not essential as full training will be given.Role definition:To ensure that lambs are slaughtered in accordance with animal welfare requirements and ABP processes where operatives are licensed to carry out this task.To ensure that carcasses are dressed and trimmed according to ABP and Customer specifications as directed by the Production Supervisor.Main Duties and Responsibilities:Cut, trim and prepare lamb material to standard defined for relevant stage in production process eg saw/split carcasses, prepare specific meat cuts.Ensuring that all parts of the carcase are trimmed to produce optimum production yield while adhering to legislation and company requirementsRemove bones and cut meat to customer requirementsEnsure strict adherence to quality, HSE, animal welfare, food safety, hygiene, ethical, product labelling and handling processes.Follow traceability process and ensure product and labelling integrity at all timeDrive and deliver necessary processing efficiency through consistent and correct equipment operationMaintain responsibility for operational effectiveness of equipment and machinery and report faults to supervisor/manager in a timely mannerWork in accordance with SOP’SYou will also ensure that work is completed to production deadlines and in accordance with food safety regulations and any other legislation in force and relevant at the time whilst adhering to and upholding all health and safety guidelines and working in accordance with food hygiene regulations and Company policies and procedures.This role requires flexibility and a willingness to work additional hours when required to meet customer demand in the preparation of a fresh product.Knowledge and Experience:Able to work under own initiativeBe a team playerThe ideal candidate will demonstrate the ability to follow detailed operating procedures with a high degree of attention to detail. The candidate will follow instructions including those relating to personal health and safety and the wearing of PPEGeneral operative tasks require a substantial amount of physical ability and must be physically fit.Can do attitude with good communication skillsNo sponsorship visa available for this role.Benefits:Immediate startFree car parkingWeekly payPermanent Full-Time workPPE (Personal protective equipment) providedFree tea and coffeeCycle to Work SchemeDiscounted gym membershipEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife AssurancePension SchemeHealth & wellbeing programme

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