Abattoir Operative (Skilled/Semi-Skilled)

Job Role:We require skilled/semi skilled Abattoir Operatives to work in our Shrewsbury Site in Shropshire. Working from 6am, Monday to Friday, this role requires flexibility and a willingness to work additional hours when required to meet customer demand in the preparation of a fresh product.Main Duties and Responsibilities:Process carcasses to standard defined for relevant stage in production process.Carry out all activities and roles within the abattoir in line with individual training matrix including rodding, legging , flanking etc.Process product to customer requirements.Process Hides in line with specifications and SOP.Empty bins when required.Assist with removing and processing of offal and products.Asssit with the pushing in and out of carcasses within the chillers.Ensure strict adherence to quality, HSE, animal welfare, food safety, hygiene, ethical, product labelling and handling processes.Follow traceability process and ensure product and labelling integrity at all timesDrive and deliver necessary processing efficiency through consistent and correct equipment operation.Knowledge and Experience:Previous butchery experience in a food production environment is essential.Ability to demonstrate knife skills for the skilled roles, or willingness to learn in semi-skilled/ trainee roles.Skills:Ability to work on own initiative whilst working as part of a team, striving to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction

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