Abattoir Operative

ABP in Bridge of Allan are looking for Abattoir Operatives.As one of the UK`s largest food producers, ABP relies on the skills and experience of its people -that`s why we offer lifelong careers with secure and full-time hours as well as competitive rates of pay, backed by great training and the opportunity to grow and progress.Our abattoir team are currently seeking motivated and enthusiastic individuals who are keen to work in this area. Skilled or unskilled, this is an excellent opportunity to develop and learn new skills within a great working environment, where you will have the opportunity to rotate around a number of different jobs (after training) and become a multi-skilled operativeMain Duties and Responsibilities:You will be responsible for the processing of cattle in accordance with health and safety and animal welfare standardsDuties may include: stunning; flanking, legging, trimming, back saw, hide removal, preparatory trimming.You will contribute as part of one team to ensure that cattle are processed in adherence with Animal Welfare Requirements, Food Safety legislation, and customer specificationTo ensure that production deadlines are met and yields maximised with minimal contamination and wastageTo embrace training opportunities and take ownership of your own personal developmentYou will be responsible for maximising the yield of the product and minimising waste to ensure production is as efficient as possible.You will be required to undertake such duties as required in a safe mannerYou will also be required to fully engage in all aspects of training and communication.Knowledge and Experience:-work experience in a similar position is beneficial-experience of working with a knifeSkills:- Ambitious and hard working individuals- Good communication skills- Able to use own initiative- Keen and willing to learnBenefits to working here:Permanent, Full Time Contracts of Employment Employee Assistance Programme  Online Benefits Resource  21 days paid holiday per year plus 8 public holidays a year  Life Assurance  Refer a friend scheme Loyalty Reward Scheme Employee Engagement ForumEmployee Spotlight Awards Subsidised Canteen Free Car Parking Pension Scheme Cycle to Work Scheme  Ppe provided Training and Development Employee Recognition Awards Loyalty Rewards  

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