3rd Level Engineer

Role responsibilities:This position is for an experienced 3rd Level Engineer for a mixed and growing enterprise environment. The role is based at Blackrock Health Hermitage Clinic and the successful candidate will work with the existing 3rd Line Operations and Infrastructure development team to manage, maintain, troubleshoot, support, design, develop and deploy server, storage and other infrastructure across an extensive network.Key accountabilities:Diagnose, troubleshoot, and ensure high availability of all components of the IT infrastructure which impact the operation of the business. Be an escalation point for 1st / 2nd line Service Desk team. Diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix issues arising from 1ST and 2nd line service delivery problems to users including applications and technical assistance.  Monitor, evaluate, optimise, and maintain all IT system performance.Refine existing systems, tackle problems and work with the business to introduce new technologies that support and enhance tools and productivity, with a view to continuous improvement.Balance system and user requirements with the overall network in mind, controlling change to ensure the security and integrity of company data and applications.Understand the company’s IT environment and the numerous components of which it is comprised and know how to troubleshoot problems across the whole infrastructure.Maintain up to date knowledge for administration and configuration of end user applications, Windows Server, VMware, networking, server hardware, and storage. Develop understanding of how all these things work together to make end user applications work and work well.Design, deploy, and maintain Windows-based infrastructure components, including servers, Active Directory, DNS, and Group Policy.Collaborate with cross-functional teams and document system configurations, processes, and best practices.Provide support and guidance to resolve complex technical issues and assist level 1 and 2 service desk, end-users as needed.Perform capacity planning to ensure infrastructure resources meet business requirements.Develop the infrastructure environment to meet application and security needs as projects arise that conform with business and ICT standards and policies.Control and test changes to the network to mitigate risks and adverse impact to services.Assist IT Management with reviews of system, hardware, and interface support with regards to architectural standards and governance.Required Skills knowledge & experience:A minimum of 5-10 years’ experience in providing 3rd Level IT support and developing infrastructure environments.Deep Technical knowledge of Microsoft Windows Desktop, Office and Server environments :-Microsoft Windows Server 2003 -2019 (essential)Microsoft desktop OS 7–Windows 10 Professional (essential)Deep Technical knowledge of VMWare environments.Good knowledge of network and security protocols, best practices, and tools.MS Active Directory, DNS and DHCP (essential).Office 365/Azure/Hybrid experience (desirable).LAN/VLAN/WAN (routers, switches, Wi-Fi, firewall, micro-segmentation) (essential).Experience with Cloud Services (desirable).Server and Switching Hardware (essential).Storage infrastructures VSAN (essential).Experience with Backup and DR technologies.Excellent communication skills both written and oral.Ability to diagnose and resolve problems.Good time management and prioritization skills.Ability to learn and develop new product knowledge and skill sets.Adept at recording and reporting with detailed technical documentation. Relevant certifications (e.g., MCSE, CompTIA Security+, Architecture Qualification). (desirable but with proven background not essential).

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