2022 Graduate Opportunities Ireland

DPS provides full EPCMV (Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management and Validation) services for our clients, who are primarily in the Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Advanced Technology industry sectors.  We are accepting applications from candidates who will graduate in 2022 for the following departmentsIrelandInstrumentation and Controls- Dublin & CorkHVAC - Dublin & CorkProject Controls - DublinBIM - DublinArchitectural Technology - Dublin & Cork Who are we looking for... Relevant qualificationFrom 0-2 years experience.Computer literate.Excellent interpersonal, organisational and communication skills.Attention to detail.Self-starter.Ability to work as part of a team.Flexibility is required in terms of traveling to client facilities in Ireland and abroad.Projects can entail extended periods working on client sites as well as in our design office.Why Join DPS...Join a TeamOn joining DPS you will be part of a team from your first day, working closely with our existing graduate and senior engineers from your Department, you will start on a journey that will see you contribute to multiple international projects as part of a global team.Accelerate Your CareerHave the opportunity to work in a core design team, working on multiple projects for major clients - plus have an opportunity to spend at least 6 months on client sites - executing projects in real time, as part of your graduate development. Investment in your continuous professional development is a commitment from DPS. You will participate in our structured and accredited graduate development programme, which is delivered in your first two years, where the focus is to equip you with the tools to realise your ambition and make a greater impact in your role.Make a DifferenceAs you will participate on projects for the world's leading Pharma, Biotech and Advanced Technology companies, you can take pride in the fact that the facilities we create enable our clients to manufacture products that change lives.Location of RolesGraduate Engineers will join the relevant team in Citywest Dublin or Littleisland Cork. Please indicate which role you are applying for and your preferred location.TimelinesApplications will be reviewed on receipt - the candidate will start in September 2022.

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